Johnson City Mall makes Drudge Report
The Mall at Johnson City made the Drudge Report a few days ago for allegedly kicking out a vendor for selling anti-Obama merchandise. Needless to say, if this vendor was kicked out on these grounds, it is sickening to know this type of behavior has come to East Tennessee. To my knowledge, no one was ever kicked out for selling their anti-Bush wares.
What did The Mall have to lose from leaving this business in place? It received a few complaints. Big deal. No one could have legitimately believed that the views of a business owner in The Mall represented the views of The Mall. What they allegedly did is simply un-American.
John Quaintance has been all over this story on his radio show. I've heard the owner and the manager on the radio and both of them seem sincere with their story. They have set up a website and are apparently working out of their garage. The website is They also have a blog which has more information about their plight. The blog can be found at I would encourage you to check this out and send some business their way. I'm not a bumper sticker person, but I really like a few of their bumper sticker designs. While it is difficult to pick a favorite, I would probably vote for the bumper sticker that says "That Obama sticker on your car might as well say, 'Yes, I'm stupid.'"
UPDATE: If you would like to send a comment to The Mall, their contact page is here.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Looks like The Mall at Johnson City has been certified as inoffensive.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Johnson City, politics