Friday, October 22, 2010

Electorial Consequences for Supporting Red Light Cameras

I went to early voting today and voted for Brandon Dobbs, one of the independent candidates for the Governor of Tennessee. Some might say that it is a wasted vote and that he has no chance of winning. Well, you know what? I don't care. Mr. Dobbs is an optometrist and a business owner. He is willing to take time out of his busy life to serve the citizens of Tennessee. I agree with most all of his positions on the issues.

After reviewing his website, it is clear to me that he has the best interests of Tennesseans at heart. My view is that Haslam and McWherter are playing the game to benefit themselves. If we keep on voting for the same old power-hungry politicans, we are going to keep getting the same thing we've always had.

Haslam will probably win and I can live with that. I do not trust him because he does not trust the people. He's a big backer of red light cameras which tells me a lot about him. He's also inconsistent on gun rights. I won't even address Mike McWherter. As far as I'm concerned, he's a zero.

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At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Henry said...

Aside from dreams of revenue, why do politicians buy cameras?

1. They think we like the cameras!
Last week a blog exposed Astroturf Lobbying in the red light cam Industry. (To read it, Google Rynski and Astroturf.) Astroturf Lobbying is when a PR firm creates an artificial grassroots movement via comments posted on news articles like this one.

The politicians, sensing strong community support (they read these comment columns too), give the OK for cameras.

2. Politicians are immune to the tickets.
In California 1.5 million private cars have plate numbers protected from easy look up, effectively invisible to agencies trying to process red light camera violations. Such "protected plate" lists exist in other states. (In CA the list includes local politicians, bureaucrats, retired cops, other govt. employees, and their families and ADULT children!) In every state someone should check to see who and how many are on the 'protected' list.


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