Friday, September 24, 2010

The Skewering of Jon Stewart

Glen Reynolds calls him a rube, and rightfully so. [And yes, I tag Stewart with the media, since so many dumb masses consider his reports to be news instead of entertainment. Incidentally, those are many of the same people who cannot differentiate between news and opinion on Fox.]

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At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I am understanding you right your saying people who like Jon Stewart and people who like Fox news are the same...but Jon Stewart blasts Fox news all the time. So maybe I read that wrong but generally speaking people who like Jon Stewart do not like Fox news and do know the difference between news and opinion, which should in fact be the difference between fact and opinion, because not all news is accurate or fact.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger John Danneskjöld said...

No, what I'm saying is that many people who like Jon Stewart think what he has to say is "news." Many of those same people, who clearly do not know what news is (since I've already established that some of them think Stewart is news), turn to Fox and criticize it because the don't have the candlepower upstairs to figure out the difference between news and opinion on Fox.


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